Ourebia ourebi (ungulate)

Mass: 14 kg based on Clauss et al. 2008 and Viljoen 1981

Diet: grazer-browser based on Sponheimer et al. 2003

Abundance: 0.07 to 9.79% (median 1.25%)

Latitudinal range: -29.8° to 18.1°

Habitats: (20), boreal forest/taiga (1), tropical/subtropical savanna (2)

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Found in 23 samples

Burkina Faso: Arly National Park (2017)

Ethiopia: Harlaa (Holocene)

Ghana: Mole National Park

Kenya: Wadh Lang'o (Elmenteitan) (Holocene), Enkapune Ya Muto (RBL1) (Holocene), Enkapune Ya Muto (RBL2.1) (Holocene), Enkapune Ya Muto (RBL2.2) (Holocene), Enkapune Ya Muto (RBL2.3) (Holocene), Enkapune Ya Muto (DBS) (Holocene), Karungu (Late Pleistocene), Mfangano Island (Late Pleistocene), Kibogo (Late Pleistocene)

Lesotho: Sehonghong (GWA) (Holocene), Sehonghong (ALP) (Holocene), Sehonghong (SA) (Holocene), Sehonghong (RF) (Late Pleistocene), Sehonghong (RBL/CLBRF) (Late Pleistocene), Sehonghong (OS) (Late Pleistocene)

Mali: Tongo Maaré Diabal (Horizon 5) (Holocene)

Nigeria: Gajiganna B (Holocene)

Sudan: Affad 23 (Late Pleistocene), Khor Shambat 1 (Neolithic) (Holocene)

Uganda: Nile Delta

Size measurements:
♀ body mass20000 kgN = 1Clauss et al. 2008
♀ body mass12000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♀ body mass15000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♀ body mass13000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♀ body mass12000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass13000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass14000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass14000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass13000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass14000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass14000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981
♂ body mass13000 kgN = 1Viljoen 1981

See also Ourebia