Perameles gunnii (small mammal)
Abundance: 0.25 to 8.96% (median 1.16%)
Latitudinal range: -43.1° to -36.0°Habitats: (9), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (1)
Found in 10 samples
Australia: Franklin, Grant Hall (Layer 1) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall (Layer 2) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall (Layer 3) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit C) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit D) (Late Pleistocene), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit E) (Late Pleistocene), Kelly Hill Cave (K1–P2) - Layer 8 (Late Pleistocene), McEachern’s Deathtrap Cave (G-49) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Blanche Cave (Third Chamber) (Late Pleistocene)
See also Perameles, Perameles bougainville, Perameles nasuta, Perameles sobbei, Perameles sp.