Slaton Quarry
Basic information
Sample name: Slaton Quarry

Sample aka: Smart Ranch

Reference: W. W. Dalquest. 1967. Mammals of the Pleistocene Slaton local fauna of Texas. Southwestern Naturalist 12(1):1-30 [ER 4079]
Country: United States

State: Texas

County: Lubbock

Coordinate: 33.51° N, -101.65° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Geography comments: "on the north side of Yellowhouse Canyon, approximately five miles north of Slaton" (Yellow House Canyon is easily visible to the immediate north of Slaton)
interpreted as of "rather early Illinoian age" by Dalquest and Sheridanian = late Irvingtonian or about 0.5 to 0.3 Ma by Goodwin (1995, Journal of Mammalogy)

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: lake deposit

Habitat comments: an "old lake bed" consisting of "gray clays" that "are covered with a much more sandy zone which, however, contains the typical Slaton local fauna"
I infer that the "sandy zone" is sandy clay because the screenwashed sediment is referred to as a "gray clay"
the paleoenvironment is interpreted as a shallow lake "probably less than 3 feet deep" and occasionally dried out, producing mud cracks that captured many of the fossils

Life forms: bats,carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 362 specimens

Years: 1942, 1963, 1964

Museum: TMM

Sampling comments: the site was discovered in 1941 by Porter Montgomery, collected by Grayson Meade in 1942 and Dalquest in 1963 and 1964, and mentioned repeatedly in earlier papers
"power machinery" was used to excavate "13 tons" of clay that was "washed and sorted to obtain the microfossils present"
old collections are in the TMM and newer ones might be in the Midwestern University collection
"mollusk shells... reptiles, amphibians, birds... Fishes" are also present and undescribed reptiles include Phrynosoma, Terrapene carolina, and alligator; I assume the amphibians are frogs and the mollusks are clams

Sample number: 4505

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2024-11-20 09:44:35

Modified: 2024-11-20 09:44:35

Abundance distribution
29 species
6 singletons
total count 362
geometric series index: 45.1
Fisher's α: 7.422
geometric series k: 0.8559
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8953
Shannon's H: 2.6616
Good's u: 0.9835
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Sorex cf. vagrans15.3 g
Lasiurus sp.2
"near" this genus
Dasypus cf. novemcinctus14.4 kg invertivore
Cynomys vetus59
approximate and minimum count including "some post-cranial material" (3+)
Spermophilus cf. spilosoma = Xerospermophilus cf. spilosoma18128 g
Geomys bursarius5
Perognathus sp.1
Dipodomys ordii1948.9 g
Reithrodontomys cf. fulvescens511.5 g
Peromyscus cf. progressus1
Onychomys cf. jinglebobensis = †Onychomys cf. pedroensis3
Neotoma albigula10176 g
Neofiber leonardi23
20 enumerated specimens and "many isolated teeth" (3+)
Canis sp.14
"Canis sp., near latrans" but definitely not a coyote
Canis dirus = †Aenocyon dirus3
"Aenocyon sp."
Taxidea taxus17.0 kg carnivore
Homotherium sp.9
"Dinobastis?": 6 enumerated specimens and "some fragmentary metapodials" (3+)
Elephas cf. imperator = †Mammuthus cf. columbi8
5 enumerated specimens and "numerous foot bones" (3+)
Lepus californicus22.1 kg
Sylvilagus sp.8
Platygonus sp.1
Camelops sulcatus = †Camelops hesternus14
11 enumerated specimens and "several metapodial fragments" (3+)
Tanupolama macrocephala = †Hemiauchenia macrocephala10
Odocoileus virginianus375 kg herbivore
Capromeryx minimus = †Capromeryx furcifer18
new (see Meade 1942): 15 enumerated specimens and "a number of isolated teeth" (3+)
Tetrameryx shuleri2
Equus calobatus = †Equus semiplicatus2
Equus niobrarensis41
Equus conversidens78